Saudade – Part 2

Saudade – Part 2

Hey island lovers! After a lengthy blogging hiatus, I'm back. So much to catch you up on! Let's get started, shall we? If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you likely know about my...Read More
Island Girls Get Around

Island Girls Get Around as you're reading this, I am likely bobbing around somewhere on a boat in the Caribbean Sea. Not for pleasure, mind you, although as work goes things could be worse. So instead of writing...Read More
The Difference A Year Makes

The Difference A Year Makes

You know those "you have memories" posts you get in your Facebook news feed? Most days, I just glance at mine and keep scrolling. Sometimes I smile at a photo that takes me back to...Read More
True Confessions

True Confessions

The countdown is on. The chaos levels are rising. Even though the movers are packing everything (it is the least they can do with the rates they are charging us), there is still loads to sort...Read More
Finding the Tradewinds Again

Finding the Tradewinds Again

Ah...two years...such a long hiatus from absurd Caribbean adventures. You know, the ones you can only truly experience when you willingly put yourself on a tropical rock for more than just a holiday. Although I...Read More